Flash Fiction Month 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gift Cards

People who know me know that I love to shop for books. There is nothing more soothing to my soul than an hour or an afternoon spent in the bookstore, poring over titles I might take home with me.

My in-laws gave me a $20 gift card to Barnes & Noble. One of the books I very much want to read is only available online, and in order to get free shipping I must spend $25. So it only makes sense to spend as close to $25 as I can online in order to stretch my gift card as far as possible. A part of me is excited, as I haven't really had time to go wander around the bookstore, and another part of me is sad, because I haven't really had time to go wander around the bookstore. :)

I plan to buy the following books:

Free Range Kids: How to Raise Safe, Self-Reliant Children (Without Going Nuts With Worry) by Leonore Skenazy
I read Lenore's blog, Free-Range Kids. and I love every post. She is the embodiment of the kind of parent I hope to be, and her opinions on things ranging from media alarmism to stranger danger to crib recalls is spot on. :) She's really awesome, and I am looking forward to reading her book. (This is the one I can't find in the store.)

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
I've been meaning to read this for awhile now. I've read Anger, and it was incredible. The idea that every person has a particular way in which they express and experience love is a beautiful one, and so true in my marriage. Matt and I are very different people, but every day we get better at loving each other.

Second Nature: A Gardener's Education by Michael Pollan
I LOVED Food Rules and In Defense of Food. I'm very much interested in eating locally and knowing whence my food comes (Adam, is that the right usage?). I want desperately to garden.


  1. Go Erin! What would life be without good books? They all sound good, especially the one about Free Range kids. If it's good enough for the chickens...! Love you...:)


  2. Erin, I feel so bad....I have given each of my children the 5 Languages of Love by Gary Chapman....I should have given it to you and Matt as well. Next year I promise to give you at least $25 so you will not need to spend 1 cent more to get your free shipping. As you know, I love books as well and presently have more unread than I will ever ever be able to finish before I am gone! There could be worst things...

    Momma Margo
